Florian Uhlemann
Technological & Aerial Entrepreneur

Florian Uhlemann
Technological & Aerial Entrepreneur
I am a technologically and innovatively driven entrepreneur with a wide variety of skills, including commercial aviation, media productions and unmanned aircraft engineering, just to name a few.
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Work Experience
Intel, Drone Technician
2016 - todayPrototype engineering and development, production planning and supervision, field maintenance, FAA sUAS Remote Operator.
2015 - 2016Business development, unmanned aerial media productions and agricultural aerial surveys.
unmanned systems and robotics center, Project Manager
2015UAV startup work, business growth, photogrammetry training, copywriter for training material in aviation safety, aerodynamics, airlaw and meteorology.
Federal Office of Equipment, Information Technology and In-Service Support of the Bundeswehr
2014 - 2015Administrative technical aviation work.
Wings of Future, CEO
2013 - todaySupport for pioneer technology and innovative business models, bitcoin mining, cryptocurrency mining pool development and support.
Jackson Community College, Aviation Ground Staff
2009 - 2010Aircraft maintenance assistance, ground handling and refueling, customer support.
Koenig & Bauer AG, Trainee
2006 - 2009Manufacturing and assembly of parts for sheet-fed offset printing presses.
City University of London, MSc Air Transport Mangement
2016 - todaySustainable aviation, psychology, human factors, airports and ground handling, air accident and incident investigation, airline operations, airline business, air transport economics.
FFL Flight Training, Airline Transport Pilot
2010-2012Commercial flight training on single-engine piston and multi-engine piston aircrafts in VFR and IFR procedures, multi-crew cockpit training, meteorology, navigation, air traffic control, etc.
Jackson Community College, Private Pilot
2009-2010Private pilot flight training and ground school, college physics, statistics, psychology, English writing.
BSZ Gustav Anton Zeuner, Industrial Mechanic
2006-2009Mechanical engineering, physical properties of metals, CNC basics, milling, lathing, business English, pneumatics, hydraulics, basics of electricity and electrical engineering.